
Friday, November 16, 2012

Population - Schematic Filters

Bill of Material (BOM) with Population Column.

Using variants in Altium is a great way to customize the BOMs, Schematics, and Assembly Drawings for projects where the PCB is common to two or more 

Line items sorted with Do Not Install (DNI) parts shown last.

Use SCH Filter to find Hidden DNI parts in schematic sheets.

(ObjectKind = 'Parameter') And (IsHidden = 'True') And (ParameterValue = 'DNI') And (ParameterName = 'Population')

 Use SCH List or SCH Inspector to display and edit Hidden DNI parts.


Select a Variant and Validate the Project

Find DNI's in the PCB use Tools > Cross Select Mode using:

Filter > (ObjectKind = 'Part') And HasParameter('Population', 'DNI')

That's It !

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