
Friday, August 2, 2013

3D Snap Points

For Circles, Cutouts, Holes

How do I get a snap point in the middle of a circle? - Altium Wiki

Interesting technique for cutouts, however it can be difficult to get the snap point precisely located at the center of the circle.

For Rectangles and Squares

To place a snap point at the midpoint of a rectangle or square two vertices need to be selected.

Example DE9 Connector Pins

Press the 3 key to switch to the 3D view.

Tools > 3D Body Placement > Add Snap Points from Vertices

Follow the user prompts on the status bar at the bottom of the active window.
  1. Select Step Model Body
  2. Press Space Bar to enter the pick two vertices mode
  3. Select 1st Vertex
  4. Select 2nd Vertex
Press Esc Key to Exit Snap Point Placement.

Select the 1st vertex

Select the 2nd vertex diagonal to the 1st vertex.

Result - Snap point is centered between the selected vertices.

Press Esc Key to Exit the Snap Point Placement mode.

Press the 2 key to return to the 2D view.
Press M > S for Move Selection.

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