
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Create a Custom Toolbar

See Altium Designer - addons: UI customizations

Steps to create a custom Toolbar Command Button to Run a Script.

Right Click on and empty space in the menu bar and select Customize . . .

Select Toolbar Tab and Create a New Toolbar

Select the Commands Tab, then [Custom] then New

For Process Select:  ScriptingSystem:RunScript

Enter the Parameters, Example:

ProjectName=C:\Altium_RJC\Altium_Central\Scripts\Via Soldermask Barrel Relief\Via Soldermask Barrel Relief.PrjScr|ProcName=Via Soldermask Barrel Relief.pas>Start

Enter a Caption and Description.

Select an existing Altium Command Button or Create your own Button.

AD14 Buttons are installed at:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Altium\AD14\System\Buttons"

Drag and Drop The New Command Button to your Custom Toolbar

You can also easily add a Hot key (keyboard short cut) to any command button or menu  by holding down the Ctrl Key and double clicking the left mouse button.

Example to Export Hyperlynx in AD15

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