
Friday, April 25, 2014

Design Rules - Holesize

When specifying HoleSize or HoleDiameter rules note that the size will be mils for any holes less than 1mm in diameter .

Regardless of the units selected in your design (mm or mils) the Holesize or HoleDiameter rules are always in mils.

You can not set the units to mm for HoleSize or HoleDiameter in the rule.

As shown below if you enter a faction or mm units you will receive an incorrect definition message.

Solution :

Only specify HoleSize and HoleDiameter rules using whole numbers. 

Good Examples:
HoleSize > 15
AsMils(HoleDiameter) > 15  
AsMM(HoleDiameter) > 1.01   (Hole size = or > 1) 

Bad Examples:
HoleSize > .15
HoleSize > .15mm
AsMM(HoleDiameter) > 15   

(ObjectKind = 'Via') And (AsMils(HoleDiameter) = 20)

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