
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Altium DBLib Library - ROI

Altium's DBLIB Library is one the best returns on investment (ROI) that is available to Altium users.

Reasons include: 

  1. Easier to setup compared to SVNDBLIB, SQL Server or the Vault.
  2. DBLiib libraries are scalable. (simply copy and rename the database).
  3. The database can be a simple Excel spreadsheet or an Access database.
  4. Reuse existing Symbols and Footprints for commons parts (i.e. caps, resistors).
  5. Simplifies library maintenance tasks.
  6. DBLIB data can migrate to a SQL Sever or the Vault.
You can download an example Altium DBLIB library at

This free download contains everything you need to quickly get an Altium DBLIB library up and running. 

The Parts DBLIB installation is simple, within 5 minutes or less you can be placing parts from the Parts DBLib.

There is also an optional Parts Frontend application (not required for Altium DBLib) that can be evaluated and purchased. 

The free backend database has no limits or restrictions for usage. If you wish to use the optional Frontend application license keys can be purchased for very reasonable prices.

You can also keep the free Parts backend and create your own Frontend application using Access or use Altium's built-in DBLib editor.

Spending a few minutes to install and evaluate the Parts DBLIB may be one the best investments you can make.

That's It !

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