Friday, October 21, 2016

Variants - Remove Solder Paste


In the schematic select the DNI's with the Cross Select mode enabled.

Create a temporary blank PCB.  Set the origin and cut paste the selected DNI components using paste special (EA) to preserve the reference designators.

Use paste expansion override to remove the paste from all pads. Using Find Similar select and delete solder paste fills and regions or reduce paste size as needed.

Copy and paste the modified footprints in the temporary PCB to the original design, use paste special (EA), preserve the reference designators.

That's It

Thursday, October 20, 2016

True Variants | Online Documentation for Altium Products

True Variants | Online Documentation for Altium Products:

"There is also support for variations to component overlay information on the PCB, for example changing a components comment. This type of variation requires 2 overlay screens to be produced, resulting in 2, different bare boards. This type of variant is referred to as a Fabrication Variant."

'via Blog this'

Footprint - Update Solder Paste

Ver AD16.1.12 

To update solder paste you must also select "On Other Layers"