Saturday, April 20, 2024

0.5mil Length Matched Diff Pairs

Customer's Requirements for 0.5mil Length matched Signals within the pairs.

Sawtooth settings based on 6mil / 6mil (trace / gap) Diff Pair


You have to select the type of tuning before you start tuning a net. 

Hit Tab Key before you start the length matching

Thank you Wayne :)

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Find and Fix Corrupt Mid Layers

Example six layer board with Corrupted Mid Layer IDs.

.Layer_ID  and .Layer_Name

Example . . . Corrupt Mid Layer IDs

The Fix . . .

Backup the Project Design Files using Project > Project Packager

Open the PcbDoc . . .

Import Changes from Project to Update the Netlist and Design Rules in the PcbDoc.

Run DRC checks, take note of any reported errors.

Create and open a Copy of the PcbDoc in the project.

Design > Layer Stack Manager

Export Stackup as CSV, then include Impedance Screen Captures in Excel.

Delete all Mid Layers from the Corrupt Stackup.

Then add Mid Layers as needed.

Save Stackup to the PcbDoc, then check Mid Layer IDs and Layer Names.

Example Corrected Mid Layer IDs.

Design > Layer Stack Manager

Enter Material Thickness and Impedances as needed.

Save the fixed Stackup to the copy of the PcbDoc 

Copy each Mid Layer from Original PcbDoc to Copy of PcbDoc.

Suggested Selection Filter Settings for Copying Mid Layers

Show all Mid Layers and use Signal Layer Mode.

Hide the Multi-Layer to avoid Selecting the Board and Board Cutouts.

Copy each Mid Layer from the Original PcbDoc to Copy of PcbDoc.

Use Edit > Paste Special > Check Paste on Current Layer and Keep Net Name.

Edit Design Rules and Fix Trace Width Rules as needed, including Diff Pairs.

Import Changes from Project to update the Netlist and Design Rules in the Copy.

Run DRC checks, take note of any reported errors.

Done !